My first app

One reason I wrote this app is that people are misspelling the date format and the words for the amount. Also, I don't like how some apps have ads to do simple stuff. So this is a free ad app for people who have hard time writing the words. It's essential for people who are not yet comfortable paying with credit cards. I wrote this app for my mother who can't spell words correctly.
First let's talk about the date format. For example, the 01/02/2018 or the 1-2-20018 format looks to me January 02, 2018. However, what if the person writes or reads American English, then it will look like to them February 01, 2018. Weird huh?!
I believe the best format for a date is spell out the month and then write the numeric day and year. I just want people to write a standard date format, so the banks don't get a stale or a postdated check. According the Federal Reserve's "Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks" guidelines, a stale check is a check written six months after the date was written. A postdated check is written when the check date is written for a future date. For example, if I wrote a check for January 01, 2099 (or 1999) in the date field, then the bank will have the right to refuse the check that has a future or stale date. Therefore, the app uses the phone's current date and writes in "month-day-year" format.
In the "Amount Numeric Field" is where you write the amount you want to pay in numeric format. I chose the $XXX.XX format (as in not $98, or the $98.0 or even the $9800 but as $98.00) as it’s the cleanest way to write a check. Also, it’s troublesome to the IRS if you chose in another format. As one IRS document stated "Don’t use dashes or lines (for example, don’t enter “$ XXX—” or “$ XXX xx/100”)."
The "Legal Line" is below the payee, which will translate numeric value into words. So if you type 17, the app will translate it to "Seventeen" or 17000 to "Seventeen Thousand". There is one more feature that this app does and it will translate $19.18 in to "Nineteen and 18/100". The reason I chose this format and not "Nineteen and 18 cents" is that in most checks, the field ends with dollars. Therefore you won't read "Nineteen and 18 cents Dollars" in the check.
Well it's a simple app, I recommend this to people who have a hard time writing number into words or people that don't have English as their first language.

- convierte el valor numérico en palabras.
- Te muestra la fecha de hoy (formato de mes dia, año)
Creo que el mejor formato para una fecha es deletrear el mes y luego escribir el día y el año numéricos. Además, escribe la fecha actual, no debe crear un cheque obsoleto o posfechado. ¿Ha escrito erróneamente un cheque que tenía un año anterior (como 2016)?
La "Línea Legal" está debajo del beneficiario, que traducirá el valor numérico en palabras. Entonces, si escribe 17, la aplicación lo traducirá a "Diecisiete" o 17000 a "Diecisiete mil" en Inglés ("Seventeen" y "Seventeen Thousand").
Bueno, es una aplicación simple, se lo recomiendo a las personas que tienen dificultades escribir el número en palabras en Inglés o personas que no tienen el Inglés como su primer idioma y deben escribir cheques Americanos.

*数値を単語に変換します。 *今日の日付を表示する(月の日、年の形式)
17と入力すると、プログラムはそれを 『Seventeen』に変換します。 17000から『Seventeen Thousand』まで。
私は母国語として英語を話さない人にこれをお勧めします。私は日本語を話せない。 でも 私は英語とスペイン語を話す。これは私の友人や将来の上司に感銘を与えることです。
Special thanks to these website who help me out: