Just a quick post: Just recently I summited my application for a school that offers a master’s degree and I can say it was pretty easy. Now I'm preparing for school and I got like less than a Read more
Category: Education
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LE-1: Linux Essentials 010-160 certificate

I did it, I finally did it. I just purchased the Linux Essentials exam voucher and took the exam: I passed. To be fair, I barely passed and barely studied the material. My chain of thought was that Read more
Cisco CyberOps Associate CBROPS 200-201 Official Cert Guide book review
I just wanted to do a book review, because I don't see any book reviews on any CBROPS 200-201 study material. Just going to write down its strengths and weaknesses. Full disclosure, I read this ebook Read more
Getting your CySA+ Education for Cheap

Well, let's do this: Around 3 months ago, I took the Cisco CBROPS (200-201) exam and I failed. The score was not that bad -720 but passing was 820-, but then moved on to something else. That Read more
Just a quick announcement, CyberVetsUSA is offering once again free education and test vouchers this year. If you or anyone you know that wants an opportunity to get the Cisco Certified CyberOps Read more
Free 200-201 CBROPS | Cisco CyberOps Certification Voucher from US Cyber Veterans Cisco Training Program
First, let me explain that I receive an email from someone or an organization asking if I want to participate an online class and receive a free voucher for the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate Read more
Netacad: NDG's Linux Unhatched and Linux Essentials review
Okay, I have not posted anything for a long time, because I am very busy with studying the Linux fundamentals and something else. First let me tell you that I took some courses back in college (I Read more
This is just a quick post: The Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE) provides free online cybersecurity training to federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government employees, Read more
Hire Heroes USA: Finding a job during these times
Its been over a month and I have not yet posted anything. Well, I guess I was busy looking for a job during these crazy pandemic times. Let me tell you that I was looking for a job in February and Read more
Thank you O2O for getting my Security+ certification for free

Well I finally received the CompTIA Security+ certification and it's thanks to O2O (Onward to Opportunity). I took the test on February 18, 2020 and received the certificate in March 10. It was a Read more